September Newsletter – Life is Change

Hello Everyone

There is a multimillion-pound business dedicated to putting the brakes on change.  Face lifts, tummy tucks, hair transplants, anti-aging creams, etc. etc. etc.. And that is not a matter of gender. We all fall into that trap to some degree of other.

In the matter of relationships, change is often a major issue with parents not recognising an accelerating change in their offspring, and partners’ not wanting to see their spouse getting old or acknowledging their own gradual decline in ability.  We particularly do not like change if we are not the initiator of that change, and the older we get the less likely we can cope with change anyhow.

Changes taking place here at the Mill are focused on the Knot Okay Corral wood store (my sense of humour showing there).  We had no say in the matter for it blew down!  Knot very happy about it at all. 

It was also amazing the amount of ‘stuff’ stored there that we had to find a temporary home for until the place was rebuilt.  It’s also amazing how long a rebuild is taking.  Surely it should only be a case of knocking a few bits of wood together!  Ha ha. 

Still it is beginning to shape up now.

Unfortunately, having said all that there is absolutely no way we can stop change taking place.  So wouldn’t it be a sensible idea to stop fighting change, accept it gracefully, and so save a lot of personal angst, possibly money, and certainly anxiety and energy, if we go with the flow on this one?  Which is a fine sentiment with regards to growing old gracefully but it would still leave the question of where to put all the stuff!

The usual updates are there – Planting by the Moon and Astrology for Healers and Therapists.

Have a great month and Equinox.

