“Were the Pyramids really built as Burial Chambers?”
Where the pyramids really built as burial chambers?
Tonata:…….No! What nonsense!
Let me take an analogy from the present time.
What is the use of your church buildings? You know that the churches are used for worship and prayer or for what might be thought of as a form of magic. You have some services and rituals that are designed for healing, some for meditation and reflection, some for a kind of praise, some for your Communion. There are different rituals at different times for different reasons.
But if I was to have somebody from my time or somebody from the future times to see your church buildings and try to guess the use of them, I am sure that they would undoubtedly say that the main use is for the burial of your dead! You gather the bones around your churches. You gather them inside the churches, so they must be the focus for burials. Is that so? You have your dead bodies inside and around the buildings and you have memorials to the dead inside. You have lists of people who have died in battle in your buildings, so it would seem that the main function of them must be concerning the dead. Of course, you have your tables and your chairs, fonts, pulpits and lecterns. You have your instruments of music, you have candles and books, but these must seem rather secondary fixtures to that concerning the dead.
And of course, I am wrong!
Of course, anybody in your society will say that these buildings are for worship and for prayer. Why is it therefore, that despite finding burial chambers from my time that have nothing to do with pyramids, yet pyramids are always thought of as burial places? It is absurd.
Just as for your churches, the pyramids were primarily used for purposes other than for burial. However, whereas we used certain materials, shape and alignment because we knew of the properties of those things, this is not generally so of your churches. Many of them may be aligned, but the shape is usually cruciform. There is not a natural flow or focus of earth energies with this shape, although you do have the psychological focus, but so do the pyramids. No, the pyramids were built especially for uses of what you call magic. Yes, they also sometimes contained mummified remains because of the respect for or the power of those that were buried there, just as you have within your churches and your cathedrals people buried inside them for whom you have great respect, while ordinary people were buried outside. No, the use of pyramids was primarily that of magic.
No one temple sect had the monopoly of these buildings. They were built at such great expense and hardship that they were constructed, maintained and guarded under the direct rule of the Pharaoh, and the temples had to petition the Pharaoh for their use. The power was too great to fall into the hands of a single temple authority and so, of course, we could hardly use it against other groups. Indeed our fear was that one day Egypt might fall and the pyramids fall into enemy hands!
Note would be taken, of course, concerning which of the days, months and years energies would be flowing at that time. Different temples would be concerned mainly with one level of being than another, depending on the main role of that temple. Different levels of being were worked, different levels of ley line or geomantic energy desired, different levels unwanted, so different crystals were used to safely dispose to prana the unwanted energies. Therefore, the building would be charged for a particular purpose in mind.
There was ritual and there was certain dress. Incense was used, for all these things would help prepare the participants mentally, psychologically and spiritually. The ritual would progress and the participants gather at the heart of the pyramid where they would be affected by those energies present, and any unwanted ‘chi’ hopefully dispersed along with the unwanted geomantic energies to prana. A person standing in the heart of the pyramid would therefore be enfolded in certain energies, and find certain feelings within himself. Some feelings would grow stronger and some would dissipate away because of the passive action of the crystals around him. Each person would fall into thinking of a particular kind of magical action because of the ritual and the type of energies all around. The whole would resonate with the Earth and the participants reach a climax of anticipation and preparation – and this is just the passive effect. This is before the actual action even takes place, actively.
At that point, having allowed themselves to be attuned passively, they would work their will actively, as a group transducer orchestrated by the ritual, to achieve from a distance whatever it is they wish to accomplish. They could produce miracles of many kinds. They could affect the weather and bring the rains; they could alter their enemy’s thoughts; they could heal whole communities; they could bring about coincidences to try and change destiny; they could travel astrally about the world or even reach the stars. That in particular was what the granite ‘sarcophagus’ was used for – not for burial. For that kind of astral projection, the main participant would actually lie within the granite enclosure. Only then could there be sufficient control and power to explore for any length of time, beyond this planet’s confines. What a power we had, but how few shared it, and how even fewer believed it then, or believe it now.
So many things all combined to work these great magics, but we were not the only ones who had something of this knowledge. In your land, places now known as Avebury or Stonehenge made similar use of these principles, or others of similar kind. The Jerusalem temple was also built to produce some of the properties that I am talking of, but I know of nowhere else that combined these sciences in quite the same way as we did at Cheops.
I think that is a good place to stop. I, at least, am exhausted.