June Newsletter – It’s a matter of perspective

Hello Everyone

It’s all a matter of perspective.

Three of us were concreting a trackway last week.  It was the last part to be done that linked the road to the log store, begun several years ago and working in dribs and drabs.  We were working uphill, and at the end of a day’s work, looking up from where we had started, it looked as if we had almost reached the top.  However, looking down from the top, we realised we had only got halfway.  I guess it was an optical illusion and optimistic view from the bottom.  DRAT.

I also went into the Maze at the Mill recently and was really taken aback, for there hadn’t been any concentrated work done to keep the pathways clear of weeds for a couple of years for one reason or another, and the recent growth spurt had been stupendous.  The task to return it to a pristine condition looked to be overwhelming.  Of course every journey begins with a single step, but I guess that step to work on the Maze was not going to be one to be embarked upon anytime soon. Mea Culpa.

It’s all a matter of perspective.

As a counselling agency, we see that truism repeated time and time again.  A new Client may turn to us in desperation, feeling overwhelmed by the task to sort things out.  They are often deeply upset and quite depressed, for they don’t know where to start or how to go about things.  However, if we can get them to take just a single step forwards, rather than be terrified by the whole prospect, they can see that there is hope.  Success breeds success, and it is a delight to see Clients realise this and move forwards.  Our job is not to provide answers but to help clarify a small part of the picture so Clients can discover answers for themselves.

It’s all a matter of perspective.

The usual updates are there:  Planting by the Moon and Astrology for Healers and Therapists

Have a good month. 

