About: John Littlewood

Recent Posts by John Littlewood

  • October Newsletter – Well its over

    Hello Everyone Well, did you notice it?  Summer, I mean.  We took long enough waiting for it, then after a couple of hot days it disappeared.  At least I suppose that was Summer.  It was over before it began.  I was hoping to carry out a few jobs that needed warmth and fine weather as Continue Reading

  • September Newsletter – Life is Change

    Hello Everyone There is a multimillion-pound business dedicated to putting the brakes on change.  Face lifts, tummy tucks, hair transplants, anti-aging creams, etc. etc. etc.. And that is not a matter of gender. We all fall into that trap to some degree of other. In the matter of relationships, change is often a major issue Continue Reading

  • August Newsletter – Lammas?

    Hello Everyone Lammas is the festival of First Fruits in the Old Religion.  It was one of the major festivals during the year at a time when life was far less secure and much nearer the natural world of seasonal change.  Society HAD to work hand in hand with Mother Nature.  Do we acknowledge Lammas Continue Reading

  • July Newsletter – Responsibility or Blame

    Hello Everyone Although responsibility can be acknowledged as being before an event as well as afterwards, blame is a post event only.  You can be absolutely certain that at the start of a couples’ counselling session there will be much said about blame, but little said about responsibility.  Blame is all about pointing the finger Continue Reading

  • June Newsletter – It’s a matter of perspective

    Hello Everyone It’s all a matter of perspective. Three of us were concreting a trackway last week.  It was the last part to be done that linked the road to the log store, begun several years ago and working in dribs and drabs.  We were working uphill, and at the end of a day’s work, Continue Reading

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